All Courses

  • RS-503: Research Methods, Writing, and Technology (M3)

    A course designed to introduce the student to the skills necessary to produce graduate level research papers and projects. This includes the proper formatting of papers (Turabian), source documentation, and thesis formation. How to read effectively for comprehension and how to express oneself properly is explored. Methods for using technology to discover information appropriate to graduate work through the use of electronic databases, Internet resources, library collections, and information literacy are addressed. Students will be introduced to the Canvas LMS and BlueJeans video conferencing system used at Grace for all its courses.

  • NT-518: Exposition of Hebrews (M3)

    This course will include both exegetical exposition and theological reflection to arrive at a ministry paradigm to meet the demands of the pastor and the needs of God's people. Special attention will be given to the hermeneutical issue regarding the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament and how the theology from the Old Testament is implied and applied in the New Testament.

  • RS-210: Research, Writing and Technology (M3)

    A course designed to teach the serious student of the Word proper research methodology, college level writing skills, and the effective use of technology for creating quality research papers and projects, following A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate L. Turabian (8th ed.). Methods for using technology to discover information appropriate to college-level research through the use of electronic databases, Internet resources, library collections, and information literacy are addressed.

  • BI-305: History of Israel (M3)

    A study of the history of Israel in light of the Old Testament books of Joshua through Esther. Emphasis will be on God’s activities and interventions into the affairs of mankind, as well as on how heroes of faith impacted their culture.

  • TH-407: Doctrine 1 - The Bible And God (M3)

    A study of the biblical doctrines of the Bible and God. Topics include, revelation, inspiration, authority and canon, as well as God’s existence, attributes, and Trinity.

  • CO-869: Issues in Human Sexuality (M3)

    An exploration of the theological, biological, social, and cultural foundations of human sexuality, particularly as related to pastoral counseling. Topics include: sexuality and singleness, marital sexuality, sexual orientation and identity, sexual addictions, sexual disorders, and sexual betrayal and abuse. Biblical principles and practices for guiding, sustaining, healing, and reconciling individuals within the context of the local church, chaplaincy, or parachurch ministry will be discussed.

  • MS-854: Pastoral Ministries (M3)

    A practical study of key areas of pastoral ministry designed to equip pastors to administer effectively the day-to-day tasks of a typical church ministry.

  • BI-342: Pauline Epistles (Less Romans) (M3)

    A study of the Epistles of Paul emphasizing exegetical and expositional analysis of 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Emphasis is placed on proper application to life and ministry. (Romans will be studied separately.)

  • TH-663 Angelology, Anthropology, and Hamartiology (M3)

    A study of angelology (the doctrines of the unfallen angels, Satan and the fallen angels), anthropology (creation of humanity, the material and immaterial aspects of humanity, and the fall of humanity), and hamartiology (original and personal sin).

  • NT-513: Gospels (M3)

    A survey and exposition of the Gospels, with an emphasis on the biblical theology of these books, their genre, and their application.

  • SF-550: Spiritual Life (M3)

    This course is a practical study of the biblical principles and practices that develop Christian character and service, with emphasis on the primacy of the Scriptures and the building of a devotional life, as well as challenges in the Spiritual Life. The goal is a personal devotional method which can be used throughout your life.

  • CO-767: Counseling Women (M3)

    This course examines the most common problems women bring to counseling, including developmental and situational crises. It explores biblical perspectives and an awareness of the needs of women through awareness for these situations.
