All Courses

  • OT-628 K: Old Testament Prophets/BI-307 K: Prophetic Books

    구약 선지서 (이사야 -말라기)에 관한 연구로 메시아적 예언과 믿음의 영웅들이 그들의 문화에 어떠한 영향을 주었는 가에 대한 연구이다.

  • NT-772 P: Grego Básico

    Um estudo dos princípios básicos do grego do Novo Testamento para alunos que não tiveram grego ou que se beneficiariam de uma revisão dos elementos do idioma.

  • RS-503: Research Methods, Writing, and Technology (M4)

    A course designed to introduce the student to the skills necessary to produce graduate level research papers and projects. This includes the proper formatting of papers (Turabian), source documentation, and thesis formation. How to read effectively for comprehension and how to express oneself properly is explored. Methods for using technology to discover information appropriate to graduate work through the use of electronic databases, Internet resources, library collections, and information literacy are addressed. Students will be introduced to the Canvas LMS and BlueJeans video conferencing system used at Grace for all its courses.
